Pleasantly surprised to find the Aquaduct Rd plowed this morning, making access to Lewis (and Gibbs) a lot easier. Still a long walk in via Lower Sawmill, but going from any farther would have been a non-starter. Looked to be driveable up the Parker Lake Rd as well (with high clearance and 4WD). Massive surface hoar in the low lands, up to 20mm(!) but once above the meadows the predominant surface form is NSFs.
As has been the case consistently moving away from Mammoth, HS here is shallower, ranging from 40-80cm. Supportable 1F midpack made for easier skinning and enjoyable hero pow skiing down to 7500′, no obstacles encountered today!
Above 9,500′, we found surface conditions to deteriorate quickly. 10cms of dense P+/K hard wind board that was at times breakable, requiring ski crampons to ascend. Even protected gully features had wind affected snow lasting down to 9,500′.
By the time we were exiting, at 1230, solars were getting moist and slow, and glopping was becoming an issue moving from sun to shade. A warm and enjoyable way to spend the solstice!