Toured up north side of Table Mtn. Dug a pit at 8900ft, with snow depth of 165cm! We isolated a column and conducted a compression test, which failed underneath the new year's storm (non-planar break) on the 3rd shoulder hit. The facets are still down there, but did not trigger on the test. It was calm and pleasant when we left the pit.
We continued up to around 10,300 ft with increasing winds. At about that time, the wind started blasting us at guessing over 30mph, white out conditions, and we turned back. In the low angle terrain between 10,300 and 9,800 ft, some freshly form wind slab fractured underneath. Dropped out of the wind and found good riding the rest of the way down, with no other signs of instability.
Continued the afternoon on the east side of South Bishop Creek, skiing a low-angle western aspect. Wind was blasting, and snow was denser, probably from wind affect. Similar small breaking freshly formed wind slab on top of the moraine at 8100ft. Partner said moraine was challenging on skis, with lots of sage brush holes to potentially dig into but rode well on a board.