We toured up to 11800' to have a look around today. There were many old avalanches with several running almost to the creek. Evidence of recent wet slides on both sides of the canyon 8000-9500'. No instabilities were encountered today.
-Tair at 7400’, -3c 8 am and 7c at 230 pm. 1c at 10900', 1130 am.
-HS 150 cm at 8000’, unable to probe to ground with 300 cm probe at both 9400’ and 10900’. Boot pen 15 cm at 10900’ and 11800’.
-Calm winds throughout day with no evidence of blowing snow near ridge tops.
Variable conditions encountered but it was the closest thing to spring skiing I've gotten so far this year! Didn't see anyone else out there but there were more tracks in both drainages than I would have expected.