Toured NE McGee zone to 9500. Travel was generally pleasant with reasonable ski penetration between 4 and 10 CM with an occasional wind board no more than 10' wide. Weather was stellar today on McGee with light to no wind on solar aspects under lee of ridge. Wind to 10-15 mph on the exposed NE ridge, not bad at all. Minor wind transport in the zone throughout the day, filling in the skinner to 1/2 full on the second lap.
We dug in at 9600 to see if the pit data matched our confidence in the how the pack felt from our tour. CT10 (SP) @ - 40CM, ETCNP (11). I attached the pit profile in the attached photo. The wind slab is consistently there in the upper 20CM, but really stubborn to react. I jumped as hard as I could on several wind deposition pockets but could not get anything to move. I only broke off windboard panels, plate sized, 4 cm thick.
The descent was really enjoyable with several boot top pow panels where not wind affected. Exposed areas where not as smooth with occasional wind board bumps under surface pow, but not bad, very manageable. Your legs will get a workout though.